
Mombasa Menu

Café Mombasa

In Borgerhout, a suburb of Antwerp with a large Muslim population, there is a popular bar called Café Mombasa. Founded about 5 years ago, it has quickly become a favourite watering hole for beer lovers in the area. There is a broad selection of well-known and rarer beers, an ideal location to find a Ginger Tipple, or so I hoped.

15 Months

Ginger BeerI first went to Mombasa in February 2017 and presented Ginger Tipple to the owner, Rein who ordered immediately. She planned to put it on their menu once they had finished revamping it. I thought it would only take a few weeks.

Some customers of Ginger Tipple have taken up to 6 months to put our beverage on their menus as they change and print their menus once every 6 months.

This time it took 15 months.

The Writing on the Wall

Ginger Beer

Their selection of beers is also written up on a large blackboard behind the bar, and I admit to a feeling of pride when I see Ginger Tipple up there.

Mombasa only serves Belgian beers. It is also one of the few places which serves Dupont’s excellent saison on draught, which is worthy of a blog on its own.

Cycling Motif

There is a bicycle hanging from the ceiling and a lot of bike parts and posters because Beligan’s leading cyclist, Victor Campenaerts,  is a nephew of the owner.

On Friday 4th May, I want to Café Mombasa to replace the old bottles of Ginger Tipple. I arrived there soon after Victor Campenaerts come in 2nd place at the first stage of the Giro D’Italia which this year started in Jerusalem.


When my sons are home during vacations, we love going to Café Mombasa because of its atmosphere and beer.

Now there is even more of a reason.