
Welcome to Spice & Ginger

Many clients and customers have commented that they are interested in a Ginger Tipple which would be more gingery and spicy, they wanted that mild burning sensation in the throat often associated with ginger.
After 6 months of experimenting we are launching our latest addition to our range of ginger beers, the 7% ABV Spice & Ginger. We took our basic recipe using our signature fresh ginger and added cooked ginger, lots more ginger this time. We boiled up cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg (kruidnagel, kaneel en nootmuskaat). We chose a classic hop, Brewers Gold, with its spicy tones and gentle blackcurrant notes to complete the sensation. Then we left it to referment with organic honey and age for a few months.
The result is a body warming, aromatic and balanced spiced ginger beer which leaves a moderate ginger burn in your throat. And if 7% is not enough, add a shot of rum, gin or jenever!
What I really like about this brew is the way the spices play around on your taste buds, each one detectable as the drink warms up in the glass.

Contact us if you want to order sales@sulzbachers.com or +32 472 23 66 55

Brewery Visits

Ginger Beer

1st August is usually the start of the quiet season, not much happens, and the day started quietly as expected. Until…

Lost from Chicago

Ginger Beer
Andy & Theaumas enjoying the Tipples with brewer Jeremy Sulzbacher

Two guys from Chicago, Andy and Theaumas, were visiting Antwerp’s De Koninck brewery about 5 minutes from my slightly smaller one. But they wanted to go for the real craft beer event and visit Ginger Tipple, which they had discovered on Google Maps. They were a bit lost finding us, and were talking to a neighbor when my wife, Shifra, walked past and rescued them.

They wanted to tour the brewery, which takes about 93 seconds. The tasting takes a lot longer. They were overawed by our brews and especially enjoyed the pre-launch tasting of ‘The Strongest Ginger Beer in the World” and are looking forwarding to buying Ginger Tipple in the USA.

The Political Visit

Ginger Beer
Kristof Luypaert in Sulzbacher’s Brewery

Soon after they left, the next visitors came. This time it was Flemish politico Kristof Luypaert and his Duvel loving friend Natalie. Kristof heard about the brewery from my wife, Shifra, when he was out campaigning a few months ago.

They were astounded by the novel sensations on their taste buds and spent over an hour enjoying 6 different types of Tipples, especially our exclusive Ginger Kriek. There is only one bottle left of the 2018 vintage; this year’s production is bubbling away.

Come and Visit us

You don’t travel 6,000 km to come from Chicago be a politician to visit the brewery, everybody is welcome.

Come as a group of 2, 3 or 4 people and allow about an hour for the visit. the price is Eur 10 which includes lots of tastings and a gift pack of 3 bottles to take home.

As you might be legally allowed to drive home after your visit, we are 2 minutes walk from tram and bus stops.

Click here to book your visit or send an email to sales@sulzbachers.com or message us on Facebook.

Intercontinental Tipples

Ginger Beer

One of Sulzbacher’s first customers was Belgibeer, one of Belgium’s finest on-line beer retailers. The owner, Dario Ceccarelli, was a believer in Ginger Tipple in its earliest form and encouraged us to continue pushing the boundaries of beer and brewing.


Their business model works on customers paying a monthly subscription to receive beers they would never see in their supermarket, or even in their local beer store. Belgibeer also offers special selection boxes which go all around the world.

Orders from around the World

Dario waited until we had a suitable selection to offer his customers and recently launched a special selection of Ginger Tipples. The response was better than expected and we traveled to the new Belgibeer offices in Halle to help with the packaging and shipping. Halle is a small town south-west of Brussels and is located in verdant countryside with rolling hills, great for hiking and visiting local breweries.

Travelling Tipples

It was a new experience for us as we are used to packing boxes for shipping pallets to our customers and distributors. We always refer the small online orders to our to our retailers such as Beglibeer.

I particularly enjoyed seeing to which countries the boxes of 10 Tipples were travelling. I guess that there area beer lovers almost every where!

Some of the Ginger Tipples which we delivered for the campaign were stored alongside some of their other excellent beers. I was happy to see our bottles next to last month’s selected beer collection from my good friend Bjorn Desmadryl of The Brew Society in Kortrijk.