
The Family Grows

Welcome to Ginger Tipple 4

ginger beer

We have just started to sell Ginger Tipple 4, the lighter version of our regular Ginger Tipple. Its alcoholic content by volume is below 5% which makes it a beverage which is easier to drink in larger quantities.

It is interesting that although the ingredients are identical, just with less organic sugar, and the process is the same, the resulting flavour is quite different.  The scientists explained to me that the higher alcohol in the regular Ginger Tipple brings out the flavours from the hops and ginger more effectively than at a lower strength.

Meeting Demand

You have to listen to what your customers are saying about your product, especially with a new concept like Ginger Tipple. While they did not notice the strength of the alcohol when imbibing, many customers found the regular Ginger Tipple at 8.5% ABV too strong.  Even I do not always want to drink a Duvel or other strong beer, and prefer a regular strength beer, especially during a barbecue or picnic.

ginger beer
A Happy Tippler

What’s in a name?

For the time being, we are calling the new brew Ginger Tipple 4, primarily because we could not come up with a better name. We considered Tipple Junior, but older drinkers would be put-off. Then there was Tipple Lite, but people might compare it to Millers’ or Budweiser’s light beer; we are in a better class.

As there is a growing trend for drinkers to opt for lower strength beers, we wanted to emphasise the 4% range, even though at 4.85% it should technically be called Ginger Tipple 5!

Again, many thanks to the great guys at Studio Rauw for designing the label.

Where can you buy it?

Ginger Tipple 4 is only available from the brewery, but from 15th March you will be able to purchase it from Van Ecclepoel in Herentals, and then from the shops which they supply.

From Amateur to Professional

New Face

Ginger Tipple, Ginger Beer

Last week, my friends, the 2 brothers at Studio Rauw in Antwerp, Christophe & Matthias, sent me the latest version of the Ginger Tipple label. This is the culmination of almost 5 months of work.

The first temporary label we used was designed by my friend Tuli Padwa for the first batches of Ginger Tipple which then went under the name “We Brew” because Jewish nrewer in America was already using “Hebrews”.

After coining the name Ginger Tipple I had to design a new label and image. For those of you familiar with the less used fonts of Microsoft, the main title is in Jokerman and the rest in Curlz. It looked funky, but amateur. This was good for the artisanal stage and it was obvious that in order to move to the next level I needed a new label.

Studio Rauw

As a Belgian beer I needed graphic artists who were beer drinkers and loved Ginger Tipple, Christophe & Matthias fitted the bill. We went through lots of ideas but slowly the ginger bearded man evolved. The actual artist who designed the face never met me and any similarities between the face and me are coincidental!

ginger tipple, ginger beer

This may take a few more iterations before the final label is ready, but it is definitely a great improvement on the old one.